A brave lover was nearly stabbed to death shieldin 2 Nov 1994 A brave lover was nearly stabbed to death shielding his girlfriend from a frenzied knife attack by her ex-boyfriend, an Old Bailey jury heard. Leroy Smith was stabbed repeatedly in the chest and This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A rape charge was dropped against an illegal immig A Soho peepshow customer who pulled a gun on terri MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsI IMAGINE YOUR RED UNDERWEAR THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN THE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet Recent PostsI IMAGINE YOUR RED UNDERWEAR THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN THE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKen Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME You’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster The sex sadist who tortured an 89-year-old widow The gay serial killer who should have been stopped after his first murder JOHN WORBOYS: THE BLACK CAB RAPIST Recent PostsKen Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME You’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster The sex sadist who tortured an 89-year-old widow The gay serial killer who should have been stopped after his first murder JOHN WORBOYS: THE BLACK CAB RAPIST