DADA:CARE HOME NURSE CLEARED OF INJURING ELDERLY WOMAN 28 Apr 2010 LEICESTER. A care home nurse accused of injuring an elderly woman during a night shift then trying to blame it on her colleagues has been cleared of the allegation. Juliana Dada, 60, was said t This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? NICHOLSON:SEX OFFENDER APPROACHED BOY WHILE UNDER POLICE SURVEILLANCE MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR Suicide victim’s body ended up in train cab next to the driver THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes THE YORKSHIRE ROOFER AND THE TRANSSEXUAL PROSTITUTE Recent PostsTHE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR Suicide victim’s body ended up in train cab next to the driver THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes THE YORKSHIRE ROOFER AND THE TRANSSEXUAL PROSTITUTE MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsNicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ Fadi Nasri, Rodger Leslie and Jason Jones: THE MURDER OF NISHA PATEL STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER Dena Thompson:THE BLACK WIDOW AND THE POISONED VINDALOO Osteopath Jemma Mitchell gets 34 years for the murder and decapitation of Mee Kuen Chong Recent PostsNicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ Fadi Nasri, Rodger Leslie and Jason Jones: THE MURDER OF NISHA PATEL STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER Dena Thompson:THE BLACK WIDOW AND THE POISONED VINDALOO Osteopath Jemma Mitchell gets 34 years for the murder and decapitation of Mee Kuen Chong