LEIGHTON: CLEARED SALINE CONTAMINATION NURSE ATTEMPTNG TO OVERTURN SUSPENSION 14 Sep 2011 STOCKPORT: The nurse cleared of being the saline drip serial killer should remain suspended because she has confessed to stealing drugs from the hospital where she worked, a hearing was told today This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register VERGHESE: SOLICITOR FACES BEING STRUCK OFF FOR ABUSIVE PHONE CALL O’SULLIVAN: POLICE OFFICER PUNCHED WOMAN TO PROTECT HIS LOVER MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE FACE-ACHE FRAUDSTER THE UNCONTROLABLE URGES OF THE SHOE FETISHIST THE YORKSHIRE ROOFER AND THE TRANSSEXUAL PROSTITUTE The wrong trousers I’M NOT HAPPY WITH MY BARRISTER Recent PostsTHE FACE-ACHE FRAUDSTER THE UNCONTROLABLE URGES OF THE SHOE FETISHIST THE YORKSHIRE ROOFER AND THE TRANSSEXUAL PROSTITUTE The wrong trousers I’M NOT HAPPY WITH MY BARRISTER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsHe murdered his family out of spite when his wife refused to help him with his visa Thanos Papalexis: THE PLAYBOY, THE PIT AND THE PROSTITUTE ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Andrew Morris: The Speargun Killer The Honey Trap of Death Recent PostsHe murdered his family out of spite when his wife refused to help him with his visa Thanos Papalexis: THE PLAYBOY, THE PIT AND THE PROSTITUTE ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Andrew Morris: The Speargun Killer The Honey Trap of Death