SHRIMPTON: SPY KILLING IS A ‘WILD CONSPIRACY’ 18 Nov 2014 WENDOVER A barrister who made a hoax call claiming German spies were plotting to bomb the Queen told a court the poisoning of Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko is a ‘wild conspiracy theory’. Mic This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register POLLIT: JAIL FOR HAMMER ATTACK YOBS SHAHZAD NAZ: SPEEDING CAB DRIVER GAVE WIFE THE POINTS MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsCALL ME MUM Woman who hid drugs in her vagina gets a three-and-a-half year stretch CHOIRMASTER WHO TOOK CLASSES IN MASTURBATION She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail THE HORNY DENTIST Recent PostsCALL ME MUM Woman who hid drugs in her vagina gets a three-and-a-half year stretch CHOIRMASTER WHO TOOK CLASSES IN MASTURBATION She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail THE HORNY DENTIST MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsTHE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM Finally! Drug dealing barrister Henry Hendron thrown out of the profession Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP Osteopath Jemma Mitchell gets 34 years for the murder and decapitation of Mee Kuen Chong Stuart Hazell: The murder of Tia Sharp Recent PostsTHE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM Finally! Drug dealing barrister Henry Hendron thrown out of the profession Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP Osteopath Jemma Mitchell gets 34 years for the murder and decapitation of Mee Kuen Chong Stuart Hazell: The murder of Tia Sharp