A labourer took revenge on the neighbour who stole 2 Nov 1995 A labourer took revenge on the neighbour who stole his girlfriend by breaking into his home in the middle of the night and threatening him with a gun. Shocked John McGrath awoke to find John T This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register The son of a self-confessed armed robber has walke A company director paid himself pnds stlng 126,000 MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsI’M NOT HAPPY WITH MY BARRISTER Transgender man faked sexual relationships Lover gives Tory peer a shock with three foot penis CRACK DEALER WAS NOT ‘MR BIG.’ Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes Recent PostsI’M NOT HAPPY WITH MY BARRISTER Transgender man faked sexual relationships Lover gives Tory peer a shock with three foot penis CRACK DEALER WAS NOT ‘MR BIG.’ Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThe Honey Trap of Death THE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP The Witchcraft Killers Killed for kindness Recent PostsThe Honey Trap of Death THE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP The Witchcraft Killers Killed for kindness