A pair of brothers attacked a schoolboy after he a 2 Nov 1995 A pair of brothers attacked a schoolboy after he accused them of racist behaviour to a bus passenger, a jury was told today (Monday). Derrick Brown, 48, played the lead role in beating 15- This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A surgeon wrote out more than a hundred bogus pres A gunman who blighted the career of one of Britain MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsHoarding barrister choked to death on burning rubbish I THINK SOMETHING IS GOING ON BEHIND THE CURTAINS The wrong trousers THE BUSYBODY AND THE ‘JOKE’ JURY She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail Recent PostsHoarding barrister choked to death on burning rubbish I THINK SOMETHING IS GOING ON BEHIND THE CURTAINS The wrong trousers THE BUSYBODY AND THE ‘JOKE’ JURY She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKyu Soo Kim: The Landlord Killer 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police Knifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ Jailed until death: Triple killer will never be released Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer:THE TARANTINO MURDERS Recent PostsKyu Soo Kim: The Landlord Killer 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police Knifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ Jailed until death: Triple killer will never be released Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer:THE TARANTINO MURDERS