Four centuries have not changed things much in Sou 11 Sep 1991 Four centuries have not changed things much in South London’s notorious Deptford when playwright Christopher Marlowe was stabbed to death in a drunken tavern brawl in 1593. Local police, alarme This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A clerical assistant who hit hard times and stole The inquest into the death of a Guys Hospital hear MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsThe wrong trousers TEACHER ON THE RAMPAGE THIS CASE MAY TAKE SOME TIME Council boss bought dildo with Grenfell Towers survivor’s money THE JILTED LOVER Recent PostsThe wrong trousers TEACHER ON THE RAMPAGE THIS CASE MAY TAKE SOME TIME Council boss bought dildo with Grenfell Towers survivor’s money THE JILTED LOVER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsTHE FIRST DATE KILLER Dobson and Norris: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence Peter Bryan: THE REAL HANNIBAL LECTER Comrade Bala: The Cult of Perversion THE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM Recent PostsTHE FIRST DATE KILLER Dobson and Norris: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence Peter Bryan: THE REAL HANNIBAL LECTER Comrade Bala: The Cult of Perversion THE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM