Four members of a fraud gang who used stolen chequ 2 Nov 2002 Four members of a fraud gang who used stolen cheques and credit cards to fleece Thomas Cook out of thousands of pounds have been warned they face jail today.(Tues) The team bagged the foreign currenc This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register Snooker ace Quinten Hann raped a young student in Two thugs were behind bars today (FRI) for a cowar MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS TOO BENT NOT TO SIGN ON, TOO BIG FOR COURT, TOO ILL FOR JAIL THE UNCONTROLABLE URGES OF THE SHOE FETISHIST THE BARE-FACED CONTESSA WHAT DO YOU CALL A MAN WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER UP HIS BACKSIDE? Recent PostsTHE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS TOO BENT NOT TO SIGN ON, TOO BIG FOR COURT, TOO ILL FOR JAIL THE UNCONTROLABLE URGES OF THE SHOE FETISHIST THE BARE-FACED CONTESSA WHAT DO YOU CALL A MAN WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER UP HIS BACKSIDE? MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsYou’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again BRIAN FIELD: THE BOY WHO NEVER CAME HOME Killer Elijah Gokool-Mely who wrote a rap in his cell bragging about canal murder gets 20 years THE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM Recent PostsYou’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again BRIAN FIELD: THE BOY WHO NEVER CAME HOME Killer Elijah Gokool-Mely who wrote a rap in his cell bragging about canal murder gets 20 years THE MYSTERY OF BROOKFIELD FARM