Seven men have been cleared of helping defraud the 2 Nov 1995 Seven men have been cleared of helping defraud the Government-funded British Council of more than pnds stlng 500,000. The body, which promotes this country’s interests abroad and is partly fun This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A property developer accused of harrassing tenants A father of two accused of gunning down car dealer MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsONE-LEGGED MAN STOLE A LEG – OF PORK Transgender man faked sexual relationships THE AMOROUS DOCTOR CON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES ‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ Recent PostsONE-LEGGED MAN STOLE A LEG – OF PORK Transgender man faked sexual relationships THE AMOROUS DOCTOR CON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES ‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsFireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years Killer was wrongly released from a life sentence 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer DANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? PETER LING: THE GARDENER’S WORLD Recent PostsFireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years Killer was wrongly released from a life sentence 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer DANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? PETER LING: THE GARDENER’S WORLD